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Virtual Weekday Worship


Monday, Wednesday & Friday


8:00 am, 12:00pm & 8:00 pm

About the Group

Join us online with other Episcopal parishes in the Potomac region for daily prayer.

Morning Prayer

Monday - Friday @ 8:00 am

Meeting ID: 897 2048 2723 | Password: 235996

This ancient time of worship combines a number of the early morning services monks attended into one: Morning Prayer. With readings from the Bible, psalms, canticles, and collects (prayers intended to collect us together), Morning Prayer became a staple of worship for early Protestant Christians.

This service is beautiful for many reasons but chief among them is that this is a time of worship for all - lay and ordained. Everyone participates in the prayers, reading the lessons, and even officiating. We begin with “Lord, open our lips,” and its response, “And our mouth shall proclaim your praise” from Psalm 51. (BCP p. 80) In that way, we break the silence.

Noonday Prayer and Study

Wednesday @ 12:00 Noon

Meeting ID: 865 4407 6004 | Password: 298440

The service of noonday prayers is based on the “little offices” in Christian monasticism. It combines prayers said at 9 am, 12 noon, and 3 pm, known as the third, sixth, and ninth hours of the day.

Private devotions at these hours were associated with the events of the Passion have been observed by Christians since the second century. Although included in the Primers of Henry VIII and Elizabeth, these offices were not included in any Prayer Books before the twentieth century. The 1979 BCP is the first American Prayer Book to include this office.


Monday - Friday @ 8:00 pm

Meeting ID: 861 8335 3229 | Password: 281146

Compline is how we choose to close our day. It has its beginnings in early Christian rituals that included praying before bedtime. Originally it was intended to be private or just for families but has become a favorite for those who want to spend a few minutes each night thanking God in community for the many blessings bestowed throughout the day.

Compline begins with a blessing, “The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end,” reminding us the themes of night prayer are rest and sleeping with Christ - even in death.

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